Tuesday, December 23, 2008

U.S. House of Representatives Recognizes SCORE Lancaster's Outgoing Chair

On December 16, 2008, Andrew Zourides, the outgoing chairman of SCORE Lancaster, received a distinguished service citation from the United States House of Representatives presented by Congressman Joe Pitts (PA-16).

Under Zourides’ leadership SCORE Lancaster earned “Best in Pennsylvania” recognition for superior performance in business counseling services and business education workshops. He led initiatives which helped the chapter achieve client satisfaction ratings among the top in the country and worked tirelessly to create local, state and national awareness of the value that SCORE creates for the small business community.

Zourides will continue to serve SCORE and the Lancaster community as a member of the chapter's Executive Committee focusing on advocacy. In addition, he will work to assist businesses qualify for the micro-loans in the program he helped create with the City of Lancaster … to improve the success rate of small business formation and growth in the City.

[Photo caption] U.S. Congressman Joe Pitts [left] acknowledges Andy Zourides, outgoing chairman of SCORE Lancaster.

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