Wednesday, February 25, 2009

SCORE Provides Free Online Business Courses 24/7

SCORE provides useful online courses to help you with dozens of small business questions. The courses are free and confidential. They are available 24/7

They're Practical and Interactive

Our modules are designed as 'hands-on' learning experiences. As you work through each module, you'll be asked to:

Enter your thoughts and responses to questions and queries
Input details relating to your business
Make choices about what you want to implement in your business

You get lots of help along the way

Along the way you'll get plenty of help:
Suggestions on what you can input
Ways that you can improve your business
Tactics you can implement

You'll also get help from

Downloads of useful articles, templates and business tools
Examples of what other businesses have done
Tip boxes

Your Courses are saved for review or action

All the information you select, or work you complete will be saved and stored for your review or later use. You can print out a customised Action plan at the end based on this input, and you can also come back at any time to amend any of the choices or input you've made.

They're customized and convenient

The key is that you will be able to customize the workshop for your own business. Rather than working on 'case studies' of imaginary businesses you actually get to work on your own business!

The online modules are not like formal text-book training where there are exams or tests. Instead we offer real-life experience of the challenges facing small businesses like yours. All the work we encourage you to do is based on your own business.

The best way to see how it works is to get started. Here is a link to the sign-in web page:

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