Tuesday, January 6, 2009

New Organization Structure Sharpens SCORE Focus

SCORE Lancaster is the local chapter of SCORE, a non-profit association dedicated to entrepreneur education and the formation, growth and success of small businesses.

For 2009, SCORE Lancaster has reorganized its leadership team to improve and enhance delivery of services to the business community in Lancast
er County Pennsylvania.

Led by Chairman Jerry Glenn, the SCORE Lancaster leadership team manages Chapter functions such as Client Services, Education, Marketing, Operations and Member Services.

The officers are elected by the membership and they function much like a business team with accountability for their particular areas. They assist and guides some 50 volunteers who provide consulting and education services to new and existing businesses.

SCORE Lancaster Leaders and their new roles include:

Jerry Glenn, Chairman – former President & CEO, Armstrong World Industries International Floor Operations; 35 years experience in sales, marketing and business management in the U.S., Europe and Asia.

Ed England, Vice Chairman, Client Services -- former senior business executive in the food processing, flexible packaging, consulting and furniture industries; expertise in manufacturing, quality assurance, process development and organizational development.

Hugh MacMaster, Vice Chairman, Education – former executive at Case New Holland with 33 years experience in global product development and general management; expertise in product definition, project proposals, budgeting, design, prototyping, testing and cost management; familiar with general farming practices.

Tom Burgum, Vice Chairman, Marketing – former Director, Global Sales Excellence, Armstrong World Industries; 43 years experience in marketing and sales management, training and development, and process improvement.

Bill Graham, Vice Chairman, Operations –experienced with business start-ups turn-around situations and rapid growth management; 35 years in sales and marketing management in branded consumer products. Companies include Trek Bicycle Corp, Charles Chips and Wise Foods.

Dave Templeton, Vice Chairman, Member Services – Partner and President, Turfteg, LLC, manufacturer and marketer of outdoor power equipment; Partner and Owner of CB Structures, Inc., producer of Conestoga Buildings sold in seven states; former senior manager in engineering and product development for Case New Holland.

Larry Marshall, Treasurer & Office Manager – former Manager, Pensions & Insurance, Case New Holland; functional expertise in internal auditing, financial forecasting, consolidation and pricing.

Lloyd Bull, Secretary – former Senior Manufacturing Engineer, Federal Mogul Corp.; 42 years experience in product engineering, tool and gauge engineering, industrial engineering, and manufacturing engineering.

Andrew Zourides, Past Chairman, Advocacy – former executive with General Electric [Power Generation, and Environmental Services,] Envirotech, and RCA; 47 years experience in quality assurance and control, reliability engineering, project management and operations systems analysis.

To learn more about SCORE Lancaster's free consulting services, about the experiences and skills of all 50 of our counselors and about our low-cost business education workshops, go to http://www.score;lancaster.org/ or call 717-397-3092 or visit us at Suite 231, Liberty Place, Lancaster, weekdays between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.

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